~Welcome to the Fulton Place Property Owners Website~
Please create your own Homeowner login and profile by clicking on the "OWNER" blue button, top right of this page.
When you login with your email and password, you will go to your 'Dashboard'.
Please review and update your "Owner Information" by going to 'Settings' on the menu. It is important that we have your email addresses and phone number. THANKS!
AFTER LOGIN: Go to your "Dashboard". Click on the "Make a Payment" button. Or, on the Main Menu (left side of page), go to "Make a Payment".
Our Fulton Place POA website has a 'Directory' listed on the menu. This includes each homeowner by name and with phone and email. If you DO NOT want either your name, email or phone to be visible to others you may elect to remove it by going to 'Directory'. Click on the toggle button to add or remove your name, email and phone.
ADD 2nd Home Address:
To add your 2nd home address to your profile, go to "Settings" on the menu and enter your other home as "Address 1". TO SAVE this info, click the blue "Update Owner" button, bottom right of screen. Your "2nd Home Address" will now be visible to the Fulton Place Board of Directors ONLY.